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Ostrovskii, I.
First name(s): I.
Last name(s): Ostrovskii

Publications of Ostrovskii, I. sorted by first author


Eremenko, A. and Ostrovskii, I., On the 'pits effect' of Littlewood and Oxford (2008), in: Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 39(929-939)
Goldberg, A. and Ostrovskii, I., On the growth of a subharmonic function with Riesz" measure on a ray (2005), in: Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry, 11(107-113)


Ostrovskii, I., On a Problem of A. Eremenko (2005), in: Comput. Methods Func. Theory, 4(275-282)
Ostrovskii, I. and Ulanovskii, A., On the Levy-Raikov-Marcinkiewicz theorem (2005), in: J of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 296(314-325)
Ostrovskii, I. and Ulanovskii, A., On the Levy-Raikov-Marcinkiewicz Theorem (2004), in: Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 336(237-240)
Ostrovskii, I. and Ulanovskii, A., Non-oscillating Paley-Wiener Functions (2004), in: J d'Analyse Mathematique, 92(211-232)
Ostrovskii, I. and Ulanovskii, A., On a problem of H.Shapiro (2004), in: J of Approximation Theory, 126(218-232)
Ostrovskii, I. and Ulanovskii, A., Non-oscillating Paley-Wiener functions (2002), in: C R de l'Academie de Sciences, Serie I, 333(735-740)
Ostrovskii, I. and Ureyen, A.E., The Growth Irregularity of Slowly Growing Entire Functions (2007), in: Functional Analysis and Its Applications, 40(304-312)
Ostrovskii, I. and Ureyen, A.E., Maximum modulus points and zero sets of entire functions or regular growth (2007), in: Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 38(583-618)
Ostrovskii, I. and Ureyen, A.E., Maximum modulus points and zero set of entire functions of regular growth (2006), in: C R de l'Academie de Sciences, Serie I, 341(481-484)
Ostrovskii, I. and Zheltukhina, N., On Darboux-integrable semi-discrete chains (2011), in: J of Physics A: Math and Theor, 43(434017-1--14)


Gergun, S. and Ostrovskii, I., On a criterion of belonging to the Hardy class Hp(C+) up to an exponential factor (2004), in: Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry, 10(1-8)
Gergun, S. and Ostrovskii, I., On a criterion of belonging to the Hardy class Hp(C+) up to an exponential factor (2004), in: Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry, 10(1-8)
Gergun, S. and Ostrovskii, I., On the Poisson representation of a function harmonic in the upper half-plane (2002), in: Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry, 9(243-248)
Gergun, S., Ostrovskii, I. and Ulanovskii, A., On the Titchmarsh convolution theorem (2001), in: C R de l'Academie de Sciences, Serie I, 331(41-46)
Gergun, S., Ostrovskii, I. and Ulanovskii, A., On the Titchmarsh convolution theorem (2001), in: Arkiv for Matematik, 40(55-71)


Matsaev, V., Ostrovskii, I. and Sodin, M., Variations on the theme of Marcinkiewicz 'inequality' (2002), in: J d'Analyse Mathematique, 86(289-317)