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Ostrovskii, I.V.
First name(s): I.V.
Last name(s): Ostrovskii

Publications of Ostrovskii, I.V.
Eremenko, A., Ostrovskii, I.V. and Sodin, M., Anatolii Asirovich Gol'dberg (2002), in: Complex Variables, 37(1-51)
Erdogan, M.B. and Ostrovskii, I.V., On mixture representation of the Linnik density (1999), in: J of Australian Math. Soc. (Series A), 64(317-326)
Erdogan, M.B. and Ostrovskii, I.V., Analytic and asymptotic properties of generalized Linnik probability densities (1998), in: J of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 217(555-578)
Ostrovskii, I.V., Les series de puissances dont les restes ont seulement des zeros non-positifs (1998), in: C R de l'Academie de Sciences, Serie I, 325(1257-1262)
Erdogan, M.B. and Ostrovskii, I.V., Non-symmetric Linnik distributions (1998), in: C R de l'Academie de Sciences, Serie I, 325(511-516)
Kotz, S. and Ostrovskii, I.V., A mixture representation of the Linnik distribution (1995), in: Statistics and Probability Letters, 26(61-64)
Hayfavi, A., Kotz, S. and Ostrovskii, I.V., Analytic and asymptotic properties of Linnik's probability densities (1995), in: C R de l'Academie de Sciences, Serie I, 319(985-990)
Jones, R.L., Ostrovskii, I.V. and Rosenblatt, J.M., Square functions in ergodic theory (1995), in: Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 16(267--305)