Publications of Sahin, A.
Seasonal Patterns of Inflation Uncertainty for the US Economy: An EGARCH Model Results (2011), in: IUP Journal of Monetary Economics, 8(7-22) | , and ,
Seasonality in inflation Volatility: Evidence from Turkey (2011), in: J of Applied Economics, 13(39-65) | and ,
The Choice of Monetary Policy Tool(s) and Relative Price Variability: Evidence from Turkey (2010), in: J of Applied Sciences(1-9) | , and ,
Day of the week effect on foreign exchange market volatility: Evidence from Turkey (2008), in: Research in International Business and Finance, 21(87-97) | , and ,
Nonseperable two-dimensional fractional Fourier transform (1998), in: Applied Optics, 37(5444-5453) | , and ,
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Optical implementations of two-dimensional fractional Fourier transforms and linear canonical transforms with arbitrary parameters (1998), in: Applied Optics, 37(2130-2141) | , and ,
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Design of dynamically adjustable anamorphic fractional Fourier transformer (1997), in: Optics Communications, 136(52-60) | , , and ,
Optical implementation of the two-dimensional fractional Fourier transform with different orders in the two dimensions (1996), in: Optics Communications, 120(134-138) | , and ,