Publications of Pinar, M.C. sorted by title
Restricted Robust Uniform Matroid Maximization Under Interval Uncertainty (2007), in: Mathematical Programming, 110(431-441) | , and ,
Restricted Robust Uniform Matroid Maximization Under Interval Uncertainty (2007), in: Mathematical Programming, 110(431-441) | , and ,
Restricted Robust Uniform Matroid Maximization with Interval Data Uncertainty (2007), in: Mathematical Programming, 110(431-441) | , and ,
Robust Profit Oppurtunities in Risky Financial Portfolios (2005), in: Operations Research Letters, 33(331-340) | and ,
Robust Scenario Optimization based on Downside-Risk Measure for Multi-period Portfolio Selection (2006), in: OR Spectrum, 29(295-309) | ,
Sharpe-ratio pricing and hedging of contingent claims in incomplete markets by convex programming (2009), in: Automatica, 44(2063-2073) | ,
Structured Least Squares Problems and Robust Estimators (2010), in: IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, 58(2453-2465) | , and ,
[DOI] |
Structured Least Squares Problems and Robust Estimators (2011), in: IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, 58(2453-2465) | , and ,
Sufficient Global Optimality Conditions for Bivalent Quadratic Optimization (2004), in: J of Optimization Theory and Applications, 122(433-440) | ,
The Robust Network Loading Problem under Hose Demand Uncertainty: Formulation, Polyhedral Analysis, and Computations (2010), in: Informs Journal of Computing | , and ,
The Robust Network Loading Problem under Hose Demand Uncertainty: Formulation, Polyhedral Analysis, and Computations (2010), in: Informs Journal of Computing | , and ,
The robust Spanning Tree Problem with Interval Data (2002), in: Operations Research, 29(31-40) | , and ,
The robust spanning tree problem with interval data (2002), in: Operations Research Letters, 29(31-40) | , and ,