Publications of Karasan, O.E. sorted by recency
Distribution Network Design on the Battlefield (2011), in: Naval Research Logistics | , and ,
Distribution Network Design on the Battlefield (2011), in: Naval Research Logistics | , and ,
Bicriteria robotic operation allocation in a flexible manufacturing cell (2010), in: Computers and Operations Research, 37(779-789) | , and ,
Bicriteria robotic cell scheduling with controllable processing times (2010), in: Int J of Production Research | , and ,
Bicriteria robotic cell scheduling with controllable processing times (2010), in: Int J of Production Research | , and ,
Bicriteria robotic operation allocation in a flexible manufacturing cell (2010), in: Computers and Operations Research, 37(779-789) | , and ,
Incremental polynomial time dualization of quadratic functions and a subclass of degree-k functions (2010), in: Annals of Operations Research | ,
The design of single allocation incomplete hub networks (2010), in: Transportation Research B, 43(936-951) | , and ,
The design of single allocation incomplete hub networks (2010), in: Transportation Research B, 43(936-951) | , and ,
A model and case study for efficient shelf usage and assortment analysis (2009), in: Annals of Operational Research, 180(105-124) | , and ,
A tabu-search based heuristic for the hub covering problem over incomplete hub networks (2009), in: Computers and Operations Research, 36(3088-3096) | , , and ,
A model and case study for efficient shelf usage and assortment analysis (2009), in: Annals of Operational Research, 180(105-124) | , and ,
A Tabu-search Based Heuristic for the Hub Covering Problem over Incomplete Hub Netwroks (2009), in: Computers and Operations Research, 36(3088-3096) | , , and ,
A Model and Case Study for Efficient Shelf Usage and Assortment Analysis (2009), in: Annals of Operations Research, 180(105-124) | , and ,
Restricted Robust Uniform Matroid Maximization with Interval Data Uncertainty (2007), in: Mathematical Programming, 110(431-441) | , and ,
Scheduling in Robotic Cells: Process Flexibility and Cell Layout (2007), in: Int J of Production Research, 46(2105-2121) | , and ,
Restricted Robust Uniform Matroid Maximization Under Interval Uncertainty (2007), in: Mathematical Programming, 110(431-441) | , and ,
Scheduling in Robotic Cells: Process Flexibility and Cell Layout (2007), in: Int J of Production Research, 46(2105-2121) | , and ,
Restricted Robust Uniform Matroid Maximization Under Interval Uncertainty (2007), in: Mathematical Programming, 110(431-441) | , and ,
Scheduling in a Three-Machine Robotic Flexible Manufacturing Cell (2006), in: Computers and Operations Research, 34(2463-2477) | , and ,
Cyclic Scheduling of a 2-Machine Robotic Cell with Tooling Constraints (2006), in: European J of Operational Research, 174(777-796) | , and ,
Scheduling in a three-machine robotic flexible manufacturing cell (2006), in: Computers and Operations Research, 34(2463-2477) | , and ,
Cyclic scheduling of a 2-machine robotic cell with tooling constraints (2006), in: European J of Operational Research, 174(777-796) | , and ,
Robotic cell scheduling with operational flexibility (2005), in: Discrete Applied Mathematics, 145(334-348) | , and ,
Robotic cell scheduling with operational flexibility (2005), in: Discrete Applied Mathematics, 145(334-348) | , and ,
Mesh topology design in overlay virtual private networks (2003), in: Electronics Letters, 38(939-941) | , , and ,
Mesh topology design in overlay virtual private networks (2003), in: Electronics Letters, 38(939-941) | , , and ,
Mesh topology Design in Overlay Virtual Private Networks (2003), in: Electronics Letters, 38(939-941) | , , and ,
Mesh topology design in overlay virtual private networks (2003), in: Electronics Letters, 38(939-941) | , , and ,
Pure Cycles in Flexible Robotic Cells (2008), in: Computers and Operations Research, 36(329-343) | , and ,
Bicriteria Robotic Cell Scheduling (2008), in: J of Scheduling, 11(457-473) | , and ,
Bicriteria Robotic Cell Scheduling (2008), in: J of Scheduling, 11(457-473) | , and ,
Pure Cycles in Flexible Robotic Cells (2008), in: Computers and Operations Research, 36(329-343) | , and ,
The robust spanning tree problem with interval data (2002), in: Operations Research Letters, 29(31-40) | , and ,
The robust Spanning Tree Problem with Interval Data (2002), in: Operations Research, 29(31-40) | , and ,