Publications of Ozel, O. sorted by journal and type
Migration and Power Politics: on the Settlement of Georgian Immigrants in Turkey (2011), in: Middle Eastern Studies, 46(477-496) | ,
State and Tribe in Ottoman Eastern Turkey: A Historical Anthropological Approach (2007), in: The Muslim World | and ,
Tarih, Tarihci ve Entelektuel Kamusallýk Baglaminda Turkiye'den Guncel Deginmeler (2007), in: Dogu Bati, 36(63-81) | ,
Power Relations Between the State and Tribe in Ottoman Eastern Anatolia (2005), in: Bulgarian Historical Review, 3(51-67) | and ,
Population Changes in Ottoman Anatolia during the 16th and 17th Centuries: The 'Demographic Crisis' Reconsidered (2003), in: Int J of Middle Eastern Studies, 36(183-205) | ,
Limits of the Almighty: Mehmed II's 'Land Reform' revisited (1999), in: J of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 42(226-246) | ,