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Mugan, U.
First name(s): U.
Last name(s): Mugan

Publications of Mugan, U. sorted by journal and type
Sakka, A. and Mugan, U., First-order Second-degree Equations Related with Painleve Equations (2011), in: Int J of Nonlinear Science, 8(259-273)
Mugan, U. and Pickering, A., The cauchy problem for the second number of a PIV hierarchy (2009), in: J of Physics A: Math Gen, 42(085203-1--11)
Adjabi, Y., Jrad, F., Kessi, A. and Mugan, U., Third order differential equations with fixed critical points (2009), in: Applied Mathematics and Computation, 208(238-248)
Sakka, A. and Mugan, U., Backlund Transformations for Discrete Painleve equations: Discrete PII-PV (2006), in: Chaos Solitons and Fractals, 27(387-394)
Jrad, F. and Mugan, U., Non-polynomial fourth order equations which pass the Painleve test (2006), in: Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A, 60(387-400)
Mugan, U. and Jrad, F., Non-polynomial third order equations which pass the Painleve test (2005), in: Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A, 59(163-180)
Mugan, U. and Jrad, F., Painleve test and higher order differential equations (2003), in: J of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 9(282-310)
Mugan, U. and Jrad, F., Painleve test and the first Painleve hierarchy (2000), in: J of Physics A: Math Gen, 32(7933-7952)
Mugan, U. and Sakka, A., On the Solvability of the Painleve VI Equation (1996), in: J of Physics A: Math Gen, 28(4109-4121)

J of Mathematical Physics

Mugan, U. and Sakka, A., Schlessinger Transformations for Painleve VI equation (1995), in: J of Mathematical Physics, 36(1284-1298)