Publications of Aytac, T.
Recognizing targets from infrared intensity scan patterns using artificial neural networks (2009), in: Optical Engineering, 48(017203-1--13) | and ,
Target differentiation with simple infrared sensors using statistical pattern recognition techniques (2007), in: Pattern Recognition, 40(2607-2620) | , and ,
Simultaneous extraction of geometry and surface properties of targets using simple infrared sensors (2005), in: Optical Engineering, 43(2437-2447) | and ,
Surface differentiation by parametric modeling of infrared intensity scans (2005), in: Optical Engineering, 44(067202-1--9) | and ,
Position-invariant surface recognition and localization using infrared sensors (2004), in: Optical Engineering, 42(3589-3594) | and ,
Differentiation and localization of targets using infrared sensors (2003), in: Optics Communications, 210(25-35) | and ,
Rule-based target differentation and position estimation based on infrared intensity measurements (2003), in: Optical Engineering, 42(1766-1771) | and ,