Publications of Tanatar, B.
Dynamic correlation effects on the plasmon dispersion in a two-dimensional electron gas (2004), in: Physical Review B, 67(115308-1--6) | , and ,
Dynamic Correlations in Coulomb drag effect (2004), in: Physica E, 18(165-166) | , and ,
Effetcs of anisotropy on the critical temperature in layered nonodiabatic superconductors (2004), in: Physica C, 384(404-410) | and ,
Free Expansion of two-dimensional condensates with a vortex (2004), in: J of Physics B-Atomic Molecular & Optical Physics, 36(2455-2463) | , , , and ,
Many-body effects in the Coulomb drag between low density electron layers (2004), in: Solid State Communications, 125(575-579) | , and ,
Orbital Magnetization of single and double quantum dots in a tight-binding model (2004), in: Physical Review B, 67(035324-1--035324-10) | , , , , and ,
q-Gaussian trial function in high density Bose-Einstein condensates (2004), in: Physica A, 322(449-455) | and ,
Two-dimensional boson-fermion mitures in harmonic traps (2004), in: Physica B, 329(42-43) | and ,
Density profile of a Bose-Einstein condensate inside a pancake-shaped trap; observational consequences of the dimensional cross-over in the scattering properties (2003), in: Physics Letters A, 302(131) | , , and ,
Effect of superconductivity-magnetism interaction on the differential conductivity in Ho(NiB)2C/Ag point contacts (2003), in: Technical Physics, 47(1061) | and ,
Spin-dependent analysis of two-dimensional electron liquids (2003), in: Physical Review B, 65(195116) | and ,
Spin-dependent analysis of two-dimensional electron liquids (2003), in: Physical Review B, 65(195116) | and ,
The ground-state and vortices in a two-dimensional Bose gas confined in a harmonic trap (2003), in: J of Physics B-Atomic Molecular & Optical Physics, 35(2719) | ,
Trapped interacting Bose gas in nonextensive statistical mechanics (2003), in: Physical Review E, 65(046105) | ,
Bose-Einstein condensation of noninteracting charged Bose gas in the presence of external potentials (2002), in: Physica B, 293(283-288) | and ,
Dynamic correlations in double-layer electron systems (2002), in: Physical Review B, 63(165328) | and ,
Effects of disorder on the ground-state energy of a two-dimensional electron gas (2002), in: Physical Review B, 65(08531) | and ,
Energy-transfer rate in a double-quantum-well system due to Coulomb coupling (2002), in: Solid State Communications, 121(61-65) | and ,
Freezing transition of the vortex liquid in a layered superconductor (2002), in: Physica C, 351(169-174) | , and ,
Ground-state properties of the two-dimensional charged Bose gas (2002), in: Physical Review B, 63(104505) | , , and ,
Hard-core Yukawa model for two-dimensional charge-stabilized colloids (2002), in: Physical Review E, 64(041406) | , and ,
Ladder approximation in coupled quantum-well systems (2002), in: Physical Review B, 63(125320) | and ,
Model boson fluid with disorder in the self-consistent field approximation (2002), in: Physics Letters A, 286(362-368) | and ,
Plasmons and the drag effect in a strong magnetic field (2002), in: Physica E, 13(80-88) | and ,
Structure of a model one-dimensional liquid He-3-He-4 mixture (2002), in: Physics Letters A, 278(172-176) | and ,
Two-dimensional Bose condensates in a harmonic trap (2002), in: Laser Physics, 12(207-210) | ,
Band-gap renormalization in quantum wire systems: dynamical correlations and muti-subband effects (2001), in: J of Physics Condensed Matter, 12(2031-2042) | , and ,
Charged bosons in a quasi-one-dimensional system (2001), in: Physical Review B, 62(12597-12600) | , and ,
Collective modes in flux line liquids (2001), in: Superconductor Science & Technology, 13(968-970) | and ,
Collective modes in flux line liquids (2001), in: Superconductor Science & Technology, 13(968-970) | and ,
Correlation effects in boson-fermion plasmas (2001), in: J de Physique IV, 10(385-388) | ,
Hard-core Yukawa model for charge stabilized colloids (2001), in: Physical Review E, 62(6977-6981) | , , and ,
Many-body properties of a disordered charged Bose gas superlattice (2001), in: Superlattices and Microstructures, 27(23-30) | and ,
Many-body vertex corrections in a one-dimensional electron system interacting with a long-range Coulomb potential (2001), in: Physical Review B, 62(1787-1792) | and ,
Plasmon dispersion and damping in double-layer electron systems (2001), in: Solid State Communications, 117(89-92) | and ,
Quasi-particle properties of a one-dimensional electron system interacting with a short-range potential (2001), in: Physica Status Solidi B, 220(909-922) | and ,
Self-consistent theory of localization and Coulomb drag effect (2001), in: Physical Review B, 61(15959-15964) | and ,
Strongly interacting one-dimensional Bose condensates in harmonic traps (2001), in: Physical Review A, 61(053601-1-6) | and ,
Strongly interacting one-dimensional Bose condensates in power law potentials (2001), in: Europhysics Letters, 51(261-267) | ,
Analytical expression for the local-field corrections in double-layer electron systems (2000), in: Superlattices and Microstructures, 25(573-581) | ,
Confined optical phonon effects on the band gap renormalization in quantum wire structures (2000), in: Physica B, 263(546-548) | , and ,
Correlation effects in a one-dimensional electron gas with short-range interaction (2000), in: Solid State Communications, 110(51-56) | and ,
Correlations in a one-dimensional Bose gas (2000), in: Physical Review B, 59(9271-9277) | and ,
Dielectric screening effects on electron transport in GAInP/InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells (2000), in: J Applied Physics, 88(1504-1510) | , and ,
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Diplons in the degenerate regime: exchange and correlation effects (2000), in: J of Physics Condensed Matter, 11(6693-6706) | ,
Dynamical correlations in the one-dimensional electron gas with short-range interactions (2000), in: European Physical Journal B, 12(47-53) | and ,
Ground state properties of quasi-one-dimensional electron systems within dynamic local-field correction: Quantum Singwi-Tosi-Lan-Sjolander theory (2000), in: Physical Review B, 59(15019-15026) | and ,
Model boson-fermion mixture within the self-consistent-field approximation (2000), in: Physical Review B, 60(10388-10394) | and ,
Model two-dimensional liquid 3He-4He mixture within the self-consistent field approximation (2000), in: Physica B, 271(315-321) | and ,
Bose-Einstein condensation in a one-dimensional interacting system due to power-law trapping potentials (1999), in: Physical Review A, 59(1468-1472) | , and ,