Publications of Tanatar, B. sorted by recency
Plasmonic contribution to the van der Weals energy in strongly interacting bilayers (2011), in: Physical Review B, 81(115326-1--7) | and ,
Dimensional crossover in two-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixtures (2011), in: Laser Physics, 20(683-693) | , , and ,
Tunable spin currents in a biased Rashba ring (2011), in: Physical Review B, 81(035326) | and ,
Inelastic transitions and counterflow tunneling in double-dot quantum ratchets (2011), in: Physical Review B, 82(205312) | and ,
Spin splitter regime of a mesoscopic Rashba ring (2011), in: Physics Letters A, 375(187-191) | and ,
Stability of Sarma phases in density imbalanced electron-hole bilayer systems (2011), in: Physical Review B, 81(075436) | , , and ,
RPA Approach to Non-Linear Transport in Quantum Dots (2010), in: Int J of Modern Physics B, 23(4414-4421) | and ,
Fano effect in a double T-shaped interferometer (2010), in: European Physical Journal B, 67(231-238) | , and ,
Anisotropy of Critical Fields in MgB2: Two-Band Ginzburg-Landau Theory for Layered Superconductors (2010), in: Communications in Theoretical Physics, 51(563-569) | and ,
Effective mass suppression in a ferromagnetic two-dimensional electron liquid (2010), in: Physical Review B, 79(235324-1--4) | , , , and ,
Two-dimensional boson-fermion mixtures (2010), in: Physical Review A, 79(063632-1--6) | , , and ,
Coulomb drag in parallel quantum dots (2010), in: Europhysics Letters, 86(67004-1--6) | and ,
Measurement-induced decoherence in electronic interferometry at nanoscale (2009), in: Physics Letters A, 372(6193-6196) | , and ,
Collective excitations of strongly coupled bilayer charged Bose liquids in the third-frequency-moment sum rule (2009), in: Physical Review B, 78(115324-1--5) | and ,
Coulomb effects in open quantum dots within the random-phase approximation (2009), in: Physical Review B, 77(195302-1--11) | and ,
Effect of disorder on the interacting Fermi Gases in a One-Dimensional Optical Lattice (2009), in: Int J of Modern Physics B, 22(4500-4510) | , , and ,
Ground-State Properties and Collective Excitations in a 2D Bose-Einstein Condensate with Gravity-Like Interatomic Attraction (2009), in: J of Low Temperature Physics, 150(630-635) | , and ,
Effects of a parallel magnetic field on the ground-state magnetic properties of a two-dimensional electron gas (2009), in: Physical Review B, 78(155304-1--5) | and ,
Controlled dephasing in single-dot Aharonov-Bohm interferometers (2007), in: Physical Review B, 75(045309) | , and ,
Effect of Exchange-correlation potential on the plasmon dispersions in a doped symmetrical double quantum well (2007), in: Physica Status Solidi B, 244(635-641) | , , , and ,
Many-body effective mass and spin susceptibility in a quasi-two-dimensional electron liquid (2007), in: Physical Review B, 74(075301-1--11) | and ,
Correlations in charged fermion-boson mixture in dimensionalities D=2 and D=3 (2007), in: Physics Letters A, 359(143-148) | and ,
Interacting Fermi gases in disordered one-dimensional lattices (2007), in: Physical Review B, 73(161103-1--4) | , , and ,
Static local-field factors in a two-dimesnsional electron liquid (2007), in: Physical Review B, 74(155319-1--6) | , , and ,
Dependence of the cloud size on interactions for a trapped degenerate ultracold plasma (2006), in: Physics Letters A, 350(129-133) | , and ,
Collective oscillations in a two-dimesional Bose-Einstein condensate with a quantized vortex state (2006), in: Physical Review A, 72(053620-1--6) | and ,
Resonant and coherent transport through Aharonov-Bohm interferometers with coupled quantum dots (2006), in: Physical Review B, 71(125338-1--12) | , , and ,
Plasma modes in layered superconductors (2006), in: Physica C, 420(11-16) | and ,
Dependence of the cloud size on interactions for a trapped degenerate ultracold plasma (2006), in: Physics Letters A, 350(129-133) | , and ,
Vortices in trapped boson-fermion mixtures (2006), in: J of Low Temperature Physics, 138(611-616) | , , and ,
Vortices in trapped boson-fermion mixtures (2006), in: J of Low Temperature Physics, 138(611-616) | , , and ,
Tunneling properties of quantum dot arrays in a strong magnetic field (2006), in: Physical Review B, 70(085303) | , and ,
Temperature dependence of a vortex in a two-dimensional Bose gas (2006), in: Physics Letters A, 328(500-504) | , , and ,
Effective mass enhancement in two-dimensional electron systems: the role of interaction and disorder effects (2006), in: Solid State Communications, 130(13-17) | , and ,
Spin magnetization of a strongly correlated electron gas confined in a two-dimensional finite lattice (2005), in: Physical Review B, 69(073106) | , , and ,
Effetcs of anisotropy on the critical temperature in layered nonodiabatic superconductors (2004), in: Physica C, 384(404-410) | and ,
Orbital Magnetization of single and double quantum dots in a tight-binding model (2004), in: Physical Review B, 67(035324-1--035324-10) | , , , , and ,
Many-body effects in the Coulomb drag between low density electron layers (2004), in: Solid State Communications, 125(575-579) | , and ,
Dynamic correlation effects on the plasmon dispersion in a two-dimensional electron gas (2004), in: Physical Review B, 67(115308-1--6) | , and ,
q-Gaussian trial function in high density Bose-Einstein condensates (2004), in: Physica A, 322(449-455) | and ,
Two-dimensional boson-fermion mitures in harmonic traps (2004), in: Physica B, 329(42-43) | and ,
Dynamic Correlations in Coulomb drag effect (2004), in: Physica E, 18(165-166) | , and ,
Free Expansion of two-dimensional condensates with a vortex (2004), in: J of Physics B-Atomic Molecular & Optical Physics, 36(2455-2463) | , , , and ,
Spin-dependent analysis of two-dimensional electron liquids (2003), in: Physical Review B, 65(195116) | and ,
Trapped interacting Bose gas in nonextensive statistical mechanics (2003), in: Physical Review E, 65(046105) | ,
Spin-dependent analysis of two-dimensional electron liquids (2003), in: Physical Review B, 65(195116) | and ,
The ground-state and vortices in a two-dimensional Bose gas confined in a harmonic trap (2003), in: J of Physics B-Atomic Molecular & Optical Physics, 35(2719) | ,
Effect of superconductivity-magnetism interaction on the differential conductivity in Ho(NiB)2C/Ag point contacts (2003), in: Technical Physics, 47(1061) | and ,
Density profile of a Bose-Einstein condensate inside a pancake-shaped trap; observational consequences of the dimensional cross-over in the scattering properties (2003), in: Physics Letters A, 302(131) | , , and ,
Effects of disorder on the ground-state energy of a two-dimensional electron gas (2002), in: Physical Review B, 65(08531) | and ,