Publications of Fougner, T.
Transnational Labour Solidarity and Social Movement Unionism: Insights from and beyond a Women Workers' Strike in Turkey (2011), in: British J of Industrial Relations | and ,
Corporate power in world politics: The case of the World Economic Forum (2009), in: J of International Trade and Diplomacy, 2(97-134) | ,
Neoliberal governance of states: The role of competitiveness indexing and country benchmarking (2009), in: Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 37(303-326) | ,
Economic nationalism and maritime policy in Norway (2006), in: Cooperation and Conflict, 41(177-201) | ,
The state, international competitiveness and neoliberal globalisation: Is there a future beyond 'the competition state'? (2006), in: Review of International Studies, 32(165-185) | ,