Publications of Tasgin, M.E.
Quantum Correlations Among Superradiant Bose-Einstein Condensate Atoms (2011), in: Optics & Spectroscopy, 108(433-437) | , , and ,
Quantum Entanglement via Superradiance of a Bose Einstein Condensate (2011), in: Laser Physics, 20(700-708) | , , and ,
Quantum correlated light pulses from sequential superradiance of a condensate[reprinted in Vir.J. Quantum Inf. / vol.9] (2010), in: Physical Review A, 79(053603-1--10) | , , and ,
Vortex Lattice of a Bose -Einstein Condensate as a Photonic Band Gap Material (2009), in: Laser Physics, 19(647-654) | , and ,
Photonic band gap in the triangular lattice of Bose-Einstein-condensate vortices (2008), in: Physical Review A, 75(063627-1--8) | , and ,
Vortices in trapped boson-fermion mixtures (2006), in: J of Low Temperature Physics, 138(611-616) | , , and ,
Vortices in trapped boson-fermion mixtures (2006), in: J of Low Temperature Physics, 138(611-616) | , , and ,