Publications of Kulik, I.
Spontaneous and persistent currents in mesoscopic aharanov-bohm loops: Static properties and coherent dynamic behavior in crossed electric and magnetic fields (2007), in: J of Experimental & Theoretical Physics, 101(999-1008) | ,
Persistent currents in helical structures (2006), in: Physical Review B, 70(195411) | and ,
Spontaneous and persistent currents in superconductive and mesoscopic structures (2006), in: Low Temperature Physics (Kharkov), 30(528-534) | ,
Josephine effect in superconductive SNS heterostructures with barriers (2004), in: Physical Review B, 67(174514-1--174514-8) | and ,
Point normal metal-superconductor (NS) contact in nonballistic regime (2004), in: Modern Physics Letters B, 17(649-656) | and ,