Publications of Pinar, M.C.
Continuation method for nonlinear complementarity problems via normal maps (1999), in: European J Operational Research, 116(591-606) | , and ,
l1 solution of linear inequalities (1999), in: IMA J of Numerical Analysis, 19(19-37) | and ,
On Newton's method for Huber's robust M-estimation problems in linear regression (1999), in: BIT, 38(674-684) | and ,
Restoration of space-variant global blurs caused by severe camera movements and coordinate distortions (1999), in: J of Optics, 29(303-310) | , and ,
Restoration of space-variant global blurs caused by severe camera movements and coordinate distortions (1999), in: J of Optics, 29(303-310) | , and ,
A characterization of the optimal set of linear programs based on the augmented Lagrangian (1998), in: J of Information and Optimization Sciences, 20(299-308) | ,
A penalty continuation method for the loo solution of overdetermined linear systems (1998), in: BIT, 38(127-150) | and ,
Newton's method for linear inequality systems (1998), in: European J Operational Research, 107(710-719) | ,
A new finite continuation algorithm for linear programming (1997), in: SIAM J on Optimization, 6(600-616) | , and ,
Duality in robust linear regression using Huber's M-estimator (1997), in: Applied Mathematics Letters, 10(65-70) | ,
Piecewise linear pathways to the optimal solution set in linear programming (1997), in: J of Optimization Theory and Applications, 93(619-634) | ,
Linear programming via a quadratic penalty function (1996), in: Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 44(345-370) | ,
New characterizations of the l1 solution to overdetermined systems of linear equations (1995), in: Operations Research Letters, 16(159-166) | , and ,