Akman, V.
First name(s): V.
Last name(s): Akman

Publications of Akman, V.
Akman, V., Relational priming: Obligational nitpicking (2009), in: Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 31(378-379)
Akman, V., On Strawsonian contexts (2005), in: Pragmatics and Cognition, 13(363-382)
Sabuncu, O., Alpaslan, F.N. and Akman, V., Using criticalities as a Heuristic for Answer Set Programming (2004), in: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 2923(234-246)
Fetzer, ? and Akman, V., Contexts of social action: Guest editors' introduction (2003), in: Language and Communication, 22(391-402)
Edmonds, B. and Akman, V., Editorial: Context in Context (2002), in: Foundations of Science, 7(233-238)
Akman, V. and Blackburn, P., Editorial: Alan Turing and artificial intelligence (2001), in: J of Logic, Language & Information, 9(391-395)
Saygin, A.P., Cicekli, I. and Akman, V., Turing test: 50 years later (2001), in: Minds and Machines, 10(463-518)
Saygin, A.P., Cicekli, I. and Akman, V., Turing test: 50 years later (2001), in: Minds and Machines, 10(463-518)
Akman, V., Rethinking context as a social construct (2000), in: J of Pragmatics, 32(743-759)
Akman, V., Guest Editor's introduction (1999), in: Minds and Machines, 8(475-477)
Akman, V., Relating to Ken Kesey's wise man (1999), in: J of Pragmatics, 32(485-489)
Bayraktar, M., Say, B. and Akman, V., An analysis of English punctuation: the special case of comma (1998), in: Int J of Corpus Linguistics, 3(33-57)
Say, B. and Akman, V., Current approaches to punctuation in Computational Linguistics (1998), in: Computers and the Humanities, 30(457-469)
Tin, E. and Akman, V., Situated nonmonotonic temporal reasoning with BABY-SIT (1998), in: AI Communications, 10(93-109)
Akman, V. and Surav, M., Steps toward formalizing context (1997), in: Artificial Intelligence Magazine, 17(55-72)
Akman, V. and Surav, M., The use of situation theory in context modelling (1997), in: Computational Intelligence, 13(427-438)
Akman, V. and Ersan, M., Commonsense Aspects of Buying and Selling (1996), in: Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal, 27(327-352)
Akman, V. and Pakkan, M., Nonstandard Set Theories and Information Management (1996), in: J of Intelligent Information Systems, 6(5--31)
Ersan, M. and Akman, V., Situated Modeling of Epistemic Puzzles (1996), in: Bulletin (Journal) of IGPL, 3(51-76)
Pakkan, M. and Akman, V., Hypersolver: a graphical tool for commonsense set theory (1995), in: Information Sciences Intelligent Systems, 85(43-61)
Pakkan, M. and Akman, V., Issues in common sense set theory (1995), in: Artificial Intelligence Review, 8(279-308)
Akman, V., Ripping the Text apart at different seams (1995), in: Stanford Humanities Review, 4(31-34)
Tin, E., Akman, V. and Ersan, M., Towards situation oriented programming languages (1995), in: Sigplan Notices, 30(27-36)
Akman, V., When silence may mean derision (1995), in: J of Pragmatics, 22(211-212)
Tin, E. and Akman, V., Computational Situation Theory (1994), in: Sigart Bulletin, 5(4-17)
Akman, V., Advanced CAD environments: A knowledge-based foundation (1993), in: Microcomputers in Civil Engineering, 8(129-139)