All publications sorted by author


Kennedy, V., Dickens and Savagery at home and Abroad - Part II (2009), in: The Dickensian, 476(206-222)
Kennedy, V., Dickens and Savagery at home and Abroad - Part I (2008), in: The Dickensian, 104(123-139)
Matsaev, V., Ostrovskii, I. and Sodin, M., Variations on the theme of Marcinkiewicz 'inequality' (2002), in: J d'Analyse Mathematique, 86(289-317)
Moldeveanu, V. and Tanatar, B., Tunable spin currents in a biased Rashba ring (2011), in: Physical Review B, 81(035326)
Moldoveanu, V. and Tanatar, B., Spin splitter regime of a mesoscopic Rashba ring (2011), in: Physics Letters A, 375(187-191)
Moldoveanu, V., Dinu, I.V. and Tanatar, B., Fano effect in a double T-shaped interferometer (2010), in: European Physical Journal B, 67(231-238)
Oldoveanu, V. and Tanatar, B., Coulomb drag in parallel quantum dots (2010), in: Europhysics Letters, 86(67004-1--6)
Paliwal, V., El-Sharkawy, A.M., Du, X., Yang, X. and Atalar, E., SSFP-Based MR Thermometry (2005), in: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 52(704-708)
Verter, V. and Kara, B., A Path Based Approach for Hazmat Transport Network Design (2008), in: Management Science, 54(29-40)
Verter, V. and Dincer, M.C., Facility location and capacity acquisition: an integrated approach (1995), in: Naval Research Logistics, 42(1141-1160)
Ivanov, V.A., The tight binding approach to the Corundum-structure D-compounds (1993), in: J of Physics Condensed Matter, 6(2065-2076)
Anisimov, V.V., Convergence of switching reward processes (2001), in: Theory, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 63(1-11)
Anisimov, V.V., Switching stochastic models and applications in retrial queues (1999), in: J of Spanish Statistical and Operations Research Society, 7(169-186)
Anisimov, V.V., Averaging methods for transient regimes in overloading retrial queueing systems (1998), in: Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 30(65-78)
Anisimov, V.V. and Kurtulus, M., Markov retrial queueing models in light traffic conditions (2002), in: Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 36