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Durgun, E.
First name(s): E.
Last name(s): Durgun

Publications of Durgun, E. sorted by recency
Akman, N., Durgun, E., Yildirim, T. and Ciraci, S., Hydrogen storage capacity of titanium met-cars (2007), in: J of Physics Condensed Matter, 18(9509-9517)
Tongay, S., Dag, S., Durgun, E., Senger, R.T. and Ciraci, S., Atomic and electronic structure of carbon strings (2006), in: J of Physics Condensed Matter, 17(3823-3826)
Tongay, S., Dag, S., Durgun, E., Senger, R.T. and Ciraci, S., Atomic and electronic structure of carbon strings (2006), in: J of Physics Condensed Matter, 17(3823-3836)
Tongay, S., Durgun, E. and Ciraci, S., Atomic strings of group IV, III-V and II-VI elements (2005), in: Applied Physics Letters, 85(023452)
Tongay, S., Durgun, E. and Ciraci, S., Atomic strings of group IV, III-V, and II-VI elemets (2004), in: Applied Physics Letters, 85(6179-6181)
Sevincli, H., Senger, R.T., Durgun, E. and Ciraci, S., Oscillatory Exchange Coupling in Linear Magnetic Molecules (2008), in: J of Physics Condensed Matter, 19(216205-1--13)
Durgun, E., Cakir, D., Akman, N. and Ciraci, S., Half-metallic Silicon Nanowires (2008), in: Physical Review Letters, 99(256806-1--4)
Sevincli, H., Senger, R.T., Durgun, E. and Ciraci, S., Oscillatory exchange coupling in magnetic molecules (2008), in: J of Physics Condensed Matter, 19(216205-1--13)