Publications of Dag, O. sorted by journal and type
Role of Organic and Inorganic Additives on the Assembly of CTAB-P123 and the Morphology of Mesoporous Silica Particles (2010), in: J of Physical Chemistry C, 113(18596-18607) | and ,
Synthesis of Stable Mesostructured Coupled Semiconductor Thin Films: meso-Cds-TiO2 and meso-CdSe-TiO2 (2010), in: Langmuir, 26(538-544) | , and ,
The role of charged surfactants in the thermal and structural properties of lyotropic liquid crystalline mesophases of [Zn(H2O)6](NO3)2-CnEOm-H2O (2010), in: J of Colloid and Interface Science, 341(109-116) | , and ,
Lyotropic Liquid-Crystalline Mesophases of [Zn(H2O6](NO3)2- C12EO10-CTAB-H2O and [Zn(H2O6](NO3)2- C12EO10-SDS-H2O Systems (2009), in: Langmuir, 24(10592-10595) | , and ,
Synthesis of mesostructured metal sulfide films using [M(H2O)n](NO3)2:P85(M = Cd(II) and Zn(II) liquid crystalline mesophases (2009), in: J of Materials Chemistry, 18(3467-3473) | and ,
The Effect of Cationic Surfactant and Some Orrganic/inorganic Additives on the Morphology and Mesostructured Silica Templated by Pluronics (2009), in: Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 115(548-555) | , and ,
Phase Separation in Liquid Crystalline Mesophases of [Co(H2O)6]X2:P65 Systems (x=NO3-, CI-, or CIO4) (2007), in: Langmuir, 23(855-860) | , and ,
Synthesis of solid solutions of Cd1-xZnxS nanocrystals in the channels of mesostructured silica films (2007), in: J of Materials Chemistry, 16(2048-2055) | , , and ,
The effect of anions of transition metal salts on the structure of modified mesostructured silica films and monoliths (2007), in: Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 98(249-257) | , and ,
Liquid Crystalline Mesophases of Pluronics (L64, P65, and P123) and Transition Metal Nitrate Salts ([M(H20)6](NO3)2) (2006), in: Langmuir, 21(4156-4162) | , and ,
Effects of Ions on the Liquid Crystalline Mesophase of Transition-Metal Salt: Surfactant (CnEOm) (2005), in: J of Physical Chemistry B, 108(8439-8446) | , and ,
One Pot Synthesis of CdS Nanoparticles in the Channels of Mesostructured Silica Films and Monoliths (2005), in: Chemistry of Materials, 17(573-579) | , and ,
Lyotropic Liquid-Crystalline Phase of Oligo(ethyleneoxide) Surfactant/Transition Metal Salt and the Synthesis of Mesostructured Cadmium Sulfide (2004), in: Chemistry of Materials, 15(2711-2717) | , , and ,
Spectroscopic Investigation of Nitrate-Metal and Metal-Surfactant Interactions in the Solid AgNO3/C12EO10 and Liquid-Crystalline [M(H2O)n](NO3)2/C12EO10 Systems (2004), in: Langmuir, 19(3671-3676) | , , , and ,
Solventless Acid-Free Synthesis of Mesostructured Titania: Nanovessels for Metal Complexes and Metal Nanoparticles (2003), in: Advanced Functional Materials, 13(30-36) | , , , , and ,
The Synthesis of Mesostructured Silica Films and Monoliths Functionalised by Noble Metal Nanoparticles (2003), in: J of Materials Chemistry, 13(328-334) | , , and ,
A New Lyotropic Liquid Crystalline Phase; Oligo(Ethylene Oxide) Surfactants with M(H2O)nXm Transition Metal Complexes (2002), in: Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 40(3800) | and ,
Organization of Bridging Organics in Periodic Mesoporous Organosilicas, PMOs Polarization Micro-Raman Spectroscopy (2002), in: Advanced Materials, 13(1182) | and ,
Oriented Periodic Mesoporous Organoslica (PMO) Film with Organic Functionality Inside the Walls (2002), in: Advanced Functional Materials, 11(213) | , , , , and ,
Silver Nitrate/Oligo (ethylene oxide) Surfactant/Mesoporous Silica Nanocomposite Films and Monoliths (2002), in: J of Colloid and Interface Science, 238(203) | and ,
Spectroelectrochemistry of potassium ethylxanthate, bis(ethylxanthato)nickel(II) and tetraethylammonium tris(ethylxanthato)-nickel(II) (2002), in: J of Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions(2819-2824) | , , and ,
Reductive deposition of Au3+(aq) on oxidized silicon surfaces (2001), in: Canadian Jrl of Chemistry, 78(516-519) | and ,
Reductive deposition of Au3+(aq) on oxidized silicon surfaces (2001), in: Canadian Jrl of Chemistry, 78(516-519) | and ,