Publications of Ozaktas, H.M. sorted by recency
Fast and accurate algorithm for the computation of complex linear canonical transforms (2011), in: J of the Optical Society of America A- Optics, Image Science, 27(1896-1908) | , and ,
Equivalence of linear canonical transform domains to fractional Fourier domains and the bicanonical width product: a generalization of the spacebandwidth product (2011), in: J of the Optical Society of America A- Optics, Image Science, 27(1885-1895) | and ,
Fast and accurate computation of two-dimensional non-separable quadratic-phase integrals (2011), in: J of the Optical Society of America A- Optics, Image Science, 27(1288-1302) | , and ,
Special issue on three-dimensional video and television - Guest Editorial (2008), in: Signal Processing: Image Communication, 22(103-107) | , , , and ,
Signal processing issues in diffraction and holographic 3DTV (2007), in: Signal Processing: Image Communication, 22(169-177) | and ,
Diffraction field computation from arbitrarily distributed data points in space (2007), in: Signal Processing: Image Communication, 22(178-187) | , , , and ,
Diffraction field computation from arbitrarily distributed data points in space (2007), in: Signal Processing: Image Communication, 22(178-187) | , , , and ,
Signal Processing Issues in Diffraction and Holographic 3DTV (2007), in: Signal Processing: Image Communication, 22(169-177) | and ,
Interpolating between periodicity and discreteness through the fractional Fourier transform (2006), in: IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, 54(4233-4243) | and ,
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Efficient computation of quadratic-phase integrals in optics (2006), in: Optics Letters, 31(35-37) | , , and ,
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Complex signal recovery from multiple fractional Fourier-transform intensities (2006), in: Applied Optics, 44(4902-4908) | , , and ,
Complex signal recovery from multiple fractional Fourier-transform intensities (2005), in: Applied Optics, 44(4902-4908) | , , and ,
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Complex signal recovery from fractional Fourier transform intensities: order and noise dependence (2005), in: Optics Communications, 244(61-70) | , , and ,
Information flow and interconnections in computing: extensions and applications of Rent's rule (2005), in: J of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 64(1360-1370) | ,
Complex signal recovery from two fractional Fourier transform intensities: order and noise dependence (2005), in: Optics Communications, 244(61-70) | , , and ,
Linear algebraic theory of partial coherence: discrete fields and measures of partial coherence (2002), in: J of Optical Soc Am A Optics, 19(1563-1571) | , and ,
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The discrete harmonic oscillator, Harper's equation, and the discrete fractional Fourier transform (2001), in: J of Physics A: Math Gen, 33(2209-2222) | , , , and ,
The discrete harmonic oscillator, Harper's equation, and the discrete fractional Fourier transform (2001), in: J of Physics A: Math Gen, 33(2209-2222) | , , , and ,
The discrete harmonic oscillator, Harper's equation, and the discrete fractional Fourier transform (2001), in: J of Physics A: Math Gen, 33(2209-2222) | , , , and ,
Rent's rule: extensions and applications (2000), in: IEEE Trans on VLSI Systems | ,
Energetic efficient synthesis of general mutual intensity distributions using a phase-only filter in the fractional Fourier domain (2000), in: J of Optics A - Pure and Applied Optics, 2(83-87) | , and ,
The discrete fractional Fourier transform (2000), in: IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, 48(1329-1337) | , and ,
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Comparison of fully three-dimensional optical, normally conducting, and superconducting interconnections (1999), in: Applied Optics, 38(7264-7275) | and ,
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The fractional Fourier domain decomposition (2000), in: Signal Processing, 77(105-109) | , , and ,
Introduction to fractional Fourier transform and its applications (2000), in: Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, 106(239-291) | , and ,
The fractional Fourier domain decomposition (2000), in: Signal Processing, 77(105-109) | , , and ,
Optical implementations of two-dimensional fractional Fourier transforms and linear canonical transforms with arbitrary parameters (1998), in: Applied Optics, 37(2130-2141) | , and ,
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Optimal image restoration with the fractional Fourier transform (1998), in: J of the Optical Society of America A- Optics, Image Science, 15(825-833) | and ,
Accumulated Gouy phase shift in Gaussian beam propagation through first-order optical systems (1997), in: J of Optical Soc Am B, 14(2190-2194) | and ,
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Towards an optimal foundation architecture for optoelectronic computing, Part II (1997), in: Applied Optics, 36(5697-5705) | ,
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Towards an optimal foundation architecture for optoelectronic computing, Part I (1997), in: Applied Optics, 36(5682-5696) | ,
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Relationships among ray optical, Gaussian beam, and fractional Fourier transform descriptions of first-order optical systems (1998), in: Optics Communications, 143(75-86) | and ,
Restoration of space-variant global blurs caused by severe camera movements and coordinate distortions (1999), in: J of Optics, 29(303-310) | , and ,
Restoration of space-variant global blurs caused by severe camera movements and coordinate distortions (1999), in: J of Optics, 29(303-310) | , and ,
Repeated filtering in consecutive fractional Fourier domains and its application to signal restoration (1999), in: IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, 47(1458-1462) | , and ,
Space-bandwidth-efficient realizations of linear systems (1999), in: Optics Letters, 23(1069-1071) | , and ,
Nonseperable two-dimensional fractional Fourier transform (1998), in: Applied Optics, 37(5444-5453) | , and ,
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Synthesis of general linear systems with repeated filtering in consecutive fractional Fourier domains (1998), in: J of Optical Soc Am. A Optics, 15(1647-1657) | and ,
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The parallel surrogate constraint approach to the linear feasibility problem (1997), in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1184(565-574) | , and ,
The parallel surrogate constraint approach to the linear feasibility problem (1997), in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1184(565-574) | , and ,
Extensions to common Laplace and Fourier Transforms (1999), in: IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 4(310-311) | , and ,
Optimal filtering in fractional domains (1997), in: IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, 45(1129-1143) | , , and ,
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Optimal filtering in fractional Fourier domains (1997), in: IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, 45(1129-1143) | , , and ,
Limit to bit rate capacity of electrical interconnects from aspect ratio of system architecture (1997), in: J of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 41(42-52) | and ,
Optimal filtering in fractional Fourier domains (1997), in: IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, 45(1129-1143) | , , and ,
Optimal filtering with linear canonical transformations (1997), in: Optics Communications, 135(32-36) | , and ,
Optimal Filtering with Linear Canonical Transformations (1997), in: Optics Communications, 135(32-36) | , and ,
Multistage optical interconnection architecture with the least possible growth of system size (1993), in: Optics Letters, 18(296-298) | and ,
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Interpretation of space bandwidth product as entropy of distinct connection patterns in opt. int. ar (1993), in: J of Optical Soc Am. A Optics, 10(418-422) | , and ,
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Optimal linewidth distribution minimizing average signal delay for RC-limited circuits (1993), in: Int J of Electronics, 74(407-410) | and ,