Unal, B.
First name(s): B.
Last name(s): Unal

Publications of Unal, B.
Dobarro, F. and Unal, B., Implications of energy conditions on standard static space-times (2010), in: Nonlinear Analysis:Theory, methods and applications, 71(5476-5490)
Dobarro, F. and Unal, B., Curvature in special base conformal warped products (2009), in: Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 104(1-46)
Dobarro, F. and Unal, B., About Curvature, Conformal Metrics and Warped Products (2008), in: J of Physics A: Math Gen, 40(13907-13930)
Erkekoglu, F., Kupeli, D. and Unal, B., Some results related to the Laplacian on vector fields (2006), in: Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, 69(137-154)