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Klyachko, A. and Ozen, I., Correlations between the ranks of submatrices and weights of random codes (2010), in: Finite Fields and their Applications, 15(497-516)
Oldoveanu, V. and Tanatar, B., Coulomb drag in parallel quantum dots (2010), in: Europhysics Letters, 86(67004-1--6)
Oguz, O., Cutting Plane Algorithms for 0-1 Programming Based on Cardinality Cuts (2010), in: European J of Operational Research, 205(279-279)
Bao, Y., Bozkurt, I.N., Dayar, T., Sun, X. and Trivedi, K.S., Decompositional Analysis of Kronecker Structured Markov Chains (2010), in: Electronic Transactions on Numerical Anlaysis, 31(271-294)
Sarigil, Z., Deconstructing the Turkish Military's Popularity (2010), in: Armed Forces and Society, 35(709-727)
Eryaman, Y., Oner, Y. and Atalar, E., Design of internal MRI coils using ultimate intrinsic SNR (2010), in: Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics,Biology and Medicine, 22(221-228)
Akay, A., Giannini, O., Massi, F. and Sestieri, A., Disc brake squeal characterization through simplified test rigs (2010), in: Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 23(2590-2607)
Ergul, O. and Gurel, L., Discretization error due to the identity operator in surface integral equations (2010), in: Computer Physics Communications, 180(1746-1752)
Criss, N.B., Dismantling Turkey: Will of the People? (2010), in: Turkish Studies, 11(43-56)
Bagci, H. and Korpeoglu, I., Distributed and Location Based Multicast Routing Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks (2010), in: Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communication and Networking(697373-1--14)
Toptal, A. and Sabuncuoglu, I., Distributed scheduling: a review of concepts and applications (2010), in: Int J of Production Research, 48(5235-5262)
Toptal, A. and Sabuncuoglu, I., Distributed scheduling: a review of concepts and applications (2010), in: Int J of Production Research, 48(5235-5262)
Goodwin, P., Onkal, D. and Thomson, M., Do forecasts expressed as prediction intervals improve production planning decisions? (2010), in: European Journal of Operational Research, 205(195-201)
Heper, M., Does Secularism Face a Serious Threat in Turkey? (2010), in: Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle Eas, 29(413-422)
Akturk, E., Ataca, C. and Ciraci, S., Effects of silicon and germanium adsorbed on graphene (2010), in: Applied Physics Letters, 96(123112-1--3)
Roveri, N., Carcaterra, A. and Akay, A., Energy equipartition and frequency distribution in complex attachments (2010), in: J of Acoustical Society of America, 126(122-128)
Bas-Collins, A., English medium higher education: Dilemmas and problems (2010), in: Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 39(97-110)
Basa, I., Environmental discourse of architecture (2010), in: Int J of Environmental Studies, 66(271-279)
Olgunturk, N. and Demirkan, H., Ergonomics and Universal Design in Interior Architecture Education (2010), in: METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 26(123-138)
Olgunturk, N. and Demirkan, H., Ergonomics and Universal Design in Interior Architecture Education (2010), in: METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 26(123-138)